Well, another successful Garage Sale is behind us! Although it was quite chilly, we had a record number of homes participate (316!) and sellers reported good traffic and lots of sales. The Spring Garage sale brought in over $6,000 to start our 2022 Scholarship Fund.
Our Scholarship Committee awarded $16,000 in scholarships this month to 2021 graduating seniors. Stay tuned to hear about the winners, and plan on joining us at our first General Meeting in a long time on June 2nd to congratulate these students!
It is not too early to mark your calendars for the Fall Garage Sale, planned for October 9th, 2021. We really missed having a TCWC "house" during this sale, which has brought in $1,000-$1,500 in addition to permit sales in the past. We had only two "permit carts" during this past sale - which sold 36 additional permits (or $720). Just think what could have been done with 6 carts!
Our Mother's Day Art and Garden Festival is just around the corner - and still needs volunteers to help make it a success. As a service organization, TCWC depends on you, our members, to help us make a difference in our community and surrounding areas. Please consider volunteering for the Art and Garden Festival, or the Fall Garage Sale, so that we can continue to help local charities and students in meaningful ways.
In Friendship
Teryl and Cathy
Co-President TCWC