During a time of social distancing, cancelled events/fundraisers and uncertainty, TCWC certainly knows how to make an impact!! Thank You ladies of the Women’s Club for your continued support!!
Over the last few weeks our Service Committee has led a drive to collect contributions for the Humane Society, taking TWO large deliveries of blankets, food and supplies to HSNT in Keller. This past week, on very short notice, our TCWC members and community, at large, donated enough money for our Service Committee to provide meals to all of our Police and Fire Department First Responders (on all three shifts!) and add a meal delivery to our very own Trophy Club Emergency Room staff at Baylor, Scott and White Medical Center. All meals were cooked up and made ready by Vinny’s Italian Restaurant. Thank you to all of the people in the Women’s Club and in our Community who made this effort possible!!
In addition, at the April Board meeting the Allocations and Grants Committee provided their recommendations for the distribution of our grant funds - $35,000 raised from our 2019 Home Tour! What a great feeling it is to write those checks to all of the great organizations who will be helped by our donations. The table below illustrates the charities that will receive funds from TCWC. The checks have been written and are in the mail!
As we learn to live with social distancing and shelter-in-place recommendations, TCWC will continue to follow state and local guidelines, with a bit of common sense thrown in! We will not host a May General Meeting and will determine at a later time whether we will hold our June Scholarship dinner. Activity groups will continue to be cancelled or held remotely until further notice.
Our Activity leaders have gotten creative in organizing ZOOM book club discussions and some are doing Social ZOOM-ing– a cup of coffee or a glass of wine together can help keep those contacts alive.
Call two or three TCWC friends each week just to check in and say “Hello”! This contact can be so welcome when we can’t get out and talk and visit with each other.
We all know people who have been impacted by COVID-19. Please keep them, our HealthCare workers and those on the front lines in your thoughts and prayers. Don’t forget that should you need help with deliveries – groceries, pharmacy, a take-out dinner – e-mail tcwcares@mytcwc.org for assistance!!
Stay well!
In Friendship
2020 TCWC Grant Recipients
North Texas SNAP, Inc.
Christian Community Storehouse of Keller
Battered Women’s Foundation
Riding Unlimited, Inc
TCEVA (Trophy Club Emergency Volunteer Association)
Hearts for Homes
I Can Still Shine
Refuge for Women, North Texas
Summer Santa
Christ’s Haven for Children
Northwest Christian Community Services AKA Roanoke Food Pantry
Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County
Journey to Dream
Ranch Hands Rescue
Community Healthcare of Texas
Carson’s Village
Metroport Meals on Wheels